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Poppy Fellowship

The Poppy Fellowship provides funding for a student to work for an environmental non-profit in Maine.  The fellowship is awarded in honor of "Poppy" Lark, an environmentalist and long time resident of Maine.
Poppy Lark


This fellowship provides students with the opportunity to explore the environmental field by working directly with a Maine-based organization or nonprofit. he fellowship pays $6,000 for 10 weeks, with an additional $1,000 expenses supplement for students on aid. Although housing is not included, fellows are eligible for on campus housing at a cost of $75 per week.

The selection committee will select a fellow from applicants to either the Maine-based fellowship or to the Sustainability-Environmental Justice Fellowship who have applied to work with a Maine-based organization.  Students do not need to apply separately for a  Poppy Fellowship. 


Current first-years, sophomores, and juniors; Preference given to current ES majors and prospective ES majors and who have completed two or more ES core courses (ENVS1101, ENVS2201, ENVS2403, or ENVS 2330). Graduating seniors are not eligible.

Please see more information on the application process for the Maine-based fellowship and for the Sustainability- Sustainability and Environmental Justice below.
